Thursday, May 31, 2012


in Reality
i had nothing at all to sell

what i got
was that

i am Being
more and more
by god
than that i am moving

making any move in Mind
nothing more than divinely moving

love you got

Saturday, May 19, 2012


we have had enough
of that kind of

floating through our consciousness, no?
go know its just

to be some kind of a roll over , so sticky fingers
and all,  in reality that calender its just
another rolling

never mind all that, its about time we get our shift together
and begin to act like the divine rock stars that we are.


 i believe there might be a few still out there
who can remember me per -
forming  live
on stage

" i feel the Earth move under my feet"
as i brought the school house
down  in complete


love you got

Friday, May 18, 2012


if all the money from our campaigns
  election,  advertising , & military out there missing the mark
[ not two men shun the waste at the UN
with fat countries trying to buy votes 
to win a seat for some security ]
 were re-directed to serve
human - itty in the name
of  Thee Thou
there would be more than enough
to go to ending hunger, homelessness, disease,
and the rape of our Mother Gaia

so what are you
going to do about it?

love you got

Thursday, May 17, 2012


           if  mad.ave  is putting it out there  
  you know its bound to be coming soon!  

                                      i am not much of a fan for higher education programs
                          without survival skills included in the paid ticket for the "silly-bus"
                                         however in the mean time,  while waiting kindly for the shift,
                                                      of my Ph.D. (physical dimension)
                                              i am taking up a correspondence course in 
                                                          "how to speak alien"
                                                          ( with my eye on being
                                                             an exchange pupil )
                                                            as above...see below

                                            i am a man waiting for my ship to come in !
 How you say "Hello" in that Star nation's language 
The Lyrans [Shama’an] Diplomats ~ Mediators
• The Centaurians [Zamaya] Administrators Organizers ~ Analytical
• The Pleiadeans [Shala’am] Galactic historians, Environmental scientists
• The Sirians [Selamat Ja!] Spiritual healers Service oriented ~ Exploring joy
• The Herculeans [Selama’at Jara!] Psychologists Fluid Group , Dynamic Experts 
love you got


                with thanks to  Kees de Graaff from Galactic Channelings 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


                                                      HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

the dog
and bliss

today i made mom's brownies
  with her overseeing me in my kitchen
(she is just not able to stir like she once could -
yet in other ways, she still can...and does )
god bless her
to "sir-prize" my other love, i made him
an apple short cake like the one his mother made.
(found in an old tasmanian recipe collection)

what bliss to have the sweets
of our loved mothers
between us all.
for this reason alone
i am not unhappy that i will still be here in the US
for however long it is, & to feel so blessed to be in this trinity
of bliss
(and including ram dass, where four art Thou , Being of Love :
 the american dream : mom, apple pie, and being in the country!)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


( bam !)
ahhh - man ,
by god  thIS IS  to US
now something so becoming
of the divine THOUght of the fair,"oh!"

with this just being released,  i'd be
so "sir prized" to find a treasure
greater than this to be
un-earthed in all
that i have
so far

this ho-Mo ses:

"let my people go...and be fabulous!"

no matter that
this might ironically put
off the exodus of bliss brothers  
to "the promised land" will be just   
for a time, for we be a' coming - as soon as we can, mate!

love you got
(me blown away!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


thank you jesus!
and to all the others who are now one
with "what part of Love dont you understand?"

love you got

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


started a new
photography book
about being a cloud farmer in tasmania.

it  is
keeping me
grounded while i am now
entertaining profoundly "shall i stay or shall i go"
until that uncle tom obama will finally make up his mind
for the US that marriage and immigration equality is a right
- not a "maybe" to the left, and definitely not a "no"- trusting the time is right!

love you got

Monday, May 7, 2012


glenda (da, the good witch)  do you mean,  that
 i have followed the yellow brick path
in reaity all this way to Oz 
(and survived the flying
monkeys) just
to find 
what am i
to do now other than
wait here for the next space shift
to come and put me back into a context
of glyphs where i will understand beyond the maya - Bliss

love you got

Thursday, May 3, 2012


some wear over the rainbow POOF!s

 and some never see the spectacles
coming because they are blinded by delight.

the bliss brothers missed the10th mural fest in sheffield this year -
and the loving word  from down under has it that we were missed by all as well.
there is not a day that happens when we are not feeling like we want to be there now ;
however, there is so much to put into order before it all will manifest for the highest good of all.
this last weekend i packed up all my gods and goddesss, and a few (count again!) of my art treasures.
in Truth the real releasing comes from within and i am feeling i am now getting a handle on that
- not only of letting go of our beloved zendo dada but of  my body being physically here!
as the quickening is happening...non-stop it seems,  i am reminded to tune in
for above all, "there is no place like OM"!

love you got

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


                                                         i am waiting on a miracle!

i am just about down to my last Tim Tam... i go into withdrawal just thinking about it!...didnt think i'd ever become addicted to a sweet thing (other than my love) - but god , i have!
i ration myself just one of these crunchy chocolate coated cookies ( ok, i confess, sometimes maybe even two! ) every weekend morning  at the zendo dada while i am writing poetry and drinking my cup of espresso ... before the sun and the  boys get up! (besides indulging in a tub, espresso and chocolate muse (v.)  me ...i lose consciousness, and let them take over - i guess in a way, i am a "walk-in" for speed (within the legal limits, that is)! just one cup of espresso, but for the my grand mother would say " so who's counting?" {if you ration you count...theres nothing more to rationalize, granny}!
if just surrendering "stuff" ( the way i do myself to these muses) would come as easy, i'd be in OZ now, and not sitting here writing in my studio in the middle of hell's kitchen, waiting on a rainbow!
last year at this time i came home from Oz ( for the last time hopefully, since it's soon to become home...)with such a stash of Tim Tams...along with cherry ripes, and a few violet crumbles... however its the pollywaffles that i miss the most...since go know, they stopped making them - BIG MISTAKE, guys! ( i even went into every tiny country town as we were tooling around down under Down Under, drooling in hopes that there still might be a few old ones that had dropped un-noticed behind the rest of the candy on the shelf ! when they stopped making candy fags, i got upset, but i'll take a pollywaffle over a fag, any day!)
i do a more or less controlled portion of chocolate chips each day after lunch...good for the heart, you know...and when available, roz's brownies do the fix ( they are to die for! mom in fact has left her recipe for them in her will  to me...) but that's just on weekend's, again!
so my lot was gone ( just like mrs. lot was, after she turned around to see sodom with her fags going up in smoke) until "Wags" came to visit her sister Fran here in the fall, and she delivered! like the way i pack with costumes and props, she packed with T-T s ( my "POOF!" glasses and the green bag are almost always with me - like the holy ghost is with jesus- just never know when that photo op will arise ! like when i had my "POOF!"s on, pretending to be a real founding Ozzie, mounting the sheep sculpture behind the national museum ...only to find out later what a spectacle i had put on, for go know,that the mirror-ed wall could be seen through from the other side of the cafeteria...  got a standing ovation, i did, when i entered !) they just go so fast, no matter the rationing...however just this week, Fran and Wags' mum and dad , Judy and Geoff, came for a visit and bless them , without even having to ask, they informed me before their departure, the Tim Tams had been packed! now when these go, what will i do?
so i am praying for a miracle...maybe a big enough one that i can get a holiday out of it... like Chanukah or know,  the one the jews came up with to counter christmas. ("you get gifts on eight nights, and the poor christians kids get presents just on one day;  arent you lucky, we jews didnt fall for that messiah - wanna- be?")
who knows if it ever really happened ( the virgin birth, and chanukah for that matter!) but miracles are nice things to believe in...hold the presents, just give me Tim -Tams! so this is the thing...when i get down to my last one (and this will be happening soon!) a miracle happens like there is enough to last for eight days, like the found oil...but in my case, they last until the next visitors from Oz come and deliver - either that or find me a geni in a lamp, and i'll be his rubber forever - like a lad in desires! i'll call it Tim-Tam nukah!!
i am going to write a prayer to this effect and send it to my cousin in jersalem to stick in the wailing wall :
"dear god, i will give up the celebrating of your better half - the goddess- if you see to it that my pantry has a never ending supply of Tim-Tams, like manna, until i get to the promised land...not Israel, you silly, Tasmania!"
so here goes the letter to the Law....and in the mean time, i will also send this out to all my friends down under (as above) to let them know unless i get the goods from them or some other divine visitors, i might have to stop dancing naked around may poles and riding on broom sticks for pleasure.

love you got