Friday, August 24, 2012


when i worked on campus, (which i later discovered was just one word) this was one of my favorite toys!
i kept it in my treasure chest for tripping hippies ... some on bummers, some on good trips:
some found themselves flat on their face, others found god ... respectively, and i found them all.
in retrospect,  it was the beginning of my being a spiritual counselor.
i always found time for a good laugh, (no matter the line out my room was longer at times than that to see the midnight show of Fantasia !) like when the president of the college called me into his office to talk about "the drug problem on campus" and i broke the ice by saying, "yes, i know...most of the good sources have dried up!"
when my friend big deb squeezed mine to death, ( my Bleeble, not my Source) i wasn't laughing...i was just thankful i had managed to slip out of her hands in time!
but that didnt happen until after i had taken my friend (the bleeble - not big debs...altho i had taken her brother - but thats another story!) on my travels to europe in the summer of 1971. while waiting to pass the german customs on a train from amsterdam bound for denmark, i was feeling all of my relatives who had had a train ride to the death camps, and so as this official was eying me in my long hair and beard, ( i could see his suspicion stripping me for the shower) of being a dope smuggler, i felt like was in a double boiler. yes, he was certain he had a nabbed one, and as he proceeded to go through my backpack, dirty laundry and all, he was sniffing everything in hopes of finding the contraband. after a long whiff of my bubble bottle ( i could have told him LSD as no oder) he got to the box in which i carried my bleeble; he grinned. he was sure he had found it! as he asked me to open it, all eyes on the train were on the two of us. i lifted the lid off, to reveal first that lovely zen like bald head , and then gently took him into my palm with great care...the other passengers were really loving this...and slowly i squeezed my bleeble - it takes great concentration to pop one eye, then the other, then one ear and then the other - not all at once like a "slam bang, thank you mam" man!
i like to feel that the laughter that rocked the train that day was a karmic healing, as tiny an offering as it was, for all who had perished at the hands of the nazi. and even that officer, melted a bit, as he realized he had been fooled by his own beliefs...appearances are merely illusions of the greater illusion, arent they?
now i have another "main squeeze"...actually two; one is my love, and the other one ,well...

if life imitates art
is this the buddha's bleeble?

love you got

Thursday, August 23, 2012


what if heaven is up to us? 
not if we've had it up to here (stuck in the throat per chants, and not quite to the third eye, yet)...or that it is up to our tricks ( god jokes too,you know and no doubt just like mine, few get his/her punch lines!)...however , more like IF it is up to us to keep it up (has spiritual viagara come on the market yet?) and not be falling down on us one day like sky lab did.
while we have been taught to pray to the angles and god for help, and that one day we might come to experience "Heaven on Earth"... maybe it is up to us now to send loving thoughts to our angels, to god and to all of the above!
i know that Life is not a multiple choice much as we are given choices to make, its just now that i am becoming aware at how even heaven might be tested...a pop quiz so to speak?
and if it is up to me, by god, i'd pass them all the answers, however i have no answers, because i didnt make up the test ( i do have some extra i shadow and blush to share - if any will just open to ask, you know by no doubt that you will receive!).
so today i am sending jesus all my love, and to The Creator too, and to all my angels, and spirit guides too...and the same goes out divinely to buddha, allah, all the hindu dieties, the great spirit of the native americans, the beings of the dream time, the egyptian, mayan and greek pantheons, as well as to the goddess in all her incarnations...and if i have left anyone out , (like from outer space) put your whole self in ...and shake it all about!
i survived being closed out of independent studies in college in order to know how to play the game!
seems like now there's a game going on above me...and its not strip poker in apartment 3RN, either-
besides we cant get any more naked to god than we already are in !
i cant say any more...i dont know more...other than i am being moved to make this my entry for today.
i learned years ago that we were all gods training. and by god, if you want to keep on the right track, ( " i think i can, i think i can ") then just empty all the love that you have ever felt into one Thought, and see it rising to heal heaven now...and if per chants there is no trouble in paradise, may all that love just rain down upon us...and remember not to leave the cake out in the rain again!

love you got

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


when i first landed at the denver airport, even before i got to where princess dianna was waiting for me holding a sign up for "Myrtle"...altho i thought it was she who was dressed up as wonder woman, i was aware of a being walking towards me ,as i was like wise to him, and there was this instant recognition between us of knowing Oneself. i was just so excited  to be seeing my old friend again, that i didnt stop to get to know this new one. i let the same thing happen again when she and i were coming back into town after our healing time on the mountain ...however i did know where this chance encounter happened and was determined to find a way to get back and say "thank you for the dance".
the following is a letter i wrote to the city of loveland, in hopes someone there would know who this angel was:

Good morning , and thanks for responding.
I did not get the name of the gentleman in the pick-up truck outside the Chasteens Grove water treatment plant (on Aug 9th about 2pm) with whom I had that brief but delightful here's hoping this  thank you finds its way to him, and if not, may this go out to all the people of Loveland, just the same.

Dear Sir,

I was photographing the sign at the water treatment plant when you pulled up to the white pick up I was  riding in.
You asked what we were up and I responded that we had just come back from a healing retreat. (I was wearing a t-shirt that read "One People One planet One God" .)
In fact, I was the one who came out from NYC to facilitate that retreat.
It just seemed so right to photograph the sign of "Loveland" since that was the space we
were in after coming down from the mountain.
I was taken by your radiant smile and the joyful energy that you shared with a stranger on the road.
However natural that was, or however small that "Howdy" may seem, I want to acknowledge how much that reinforced my belief that we are indeed one people living on a 
beautiful planet. I send you many blessing for making my day...

Nomaste ( "I salute the Divinity within you")
Rev. Glenn of Trees
Mission of The Creative Spirit

and this is the reply i received this morning:

Dear sir,
       I would like to take the time to say thank you for writing such a wonderful email/ letter.  I deeply regret not taking more time to talk to you as your energy and kindness was very refreshing.  I have had a rough very negative couple of weeks and meeting you helped bring that positive energy back into my life.  It's as I teach my children every positive  impact you can have in someone's life either brief or long term can last a lifetime.  You have done this for me and I in return try do the same for people in my life now or in the future.  There is no greater power in this world than kindness and love, and thanks to you, you have proven this to be true.  Thank you for helping me in my time of low energy to bring me back where I need to be in my life.  Nameste to you as well.  May your travels and teachings bless others and bring them the same positive in their lives.
       There are a lot of wonderful people in this world that would have done the same. Thank you once again for lifting me back up.  May your travels and life be blessed.

and so i am in awe of the love, land, and heavens above that reinforce my being at one with all Life.
love you got 

Monday, August 20, 2012


yes virginia, when one is clearly reflecting the light of another ( in this case, "princess dianna lord smiley face") the mirror image of the writing on the T, squarely cannot be mistaken : One God .One Planet. One People.
i have been away... intiating and teaching a Reiki master high in the rockies.
usually i will apprentice one with me for over a good year, so as not to tire either of us...sometimes we need to be flexible. knowing " her highness" since college days, ( i actually recognized her royalty and gave her that name when she first appeared one homecoming in front of an inflatable castle!) i knew we could reach our goal in a bit more than a week's timelessness with our two focused hearts.
dianna's friend, mary ann, gifted us with her "cabin" in the woods - it was not the one "maybe with electricity,and hopefully without an out house" in my mind when i first was invited there as an alternative to be teaching at the zendo dada - it was a most gracious space in which our teaching was accomplished, besides the darkest (as in the night ) and most quiet space i have experienced, since my last astral projection. i was in the treetops of the aspen and pines...a far cry from the dirt and noise of nyc ( indirectly matched  by the horror of coming home to find the owner of the gay bar that is about to open under my apartment has chosen a heavy rusty door with an axe embedded in it for a handle...still playing dungeons and [with your] drag ons? come out come out in the light wherever you are !)
little did i remember that in the master training, all are taken up in The Light, master and pupils together!
{i pause here to be a bit political, as it does come up in the teaching : there is no way in my mind that one can have this kind of Reiki experience, either by being initiated on line or by watching a video...the master-initiate relationship is a uniquely personal one and many so called masters, miss this point. i am also one of those old masters who honors the tradtional practice of keeping the "sacred" symbols out of print and unspoken in front of the unitiated...this is per chance the only place where i am "tradtional"!)
and "by george, she got it!" (from sun up till sun down...with a break here and there for laughs and reflections)
we were careful not to burn out , and when we needed to excelerate the intensive, we the cow jumping over the moon.
i am aware that i am not so much the one who is making a master as i am the one passing on all that i am a ware of.
the greatest lesson came, in a sad (and yet perfect) way when i was to show princess dianna how to initiate another to the first degree... to a long time friend (who had run wild with me on the beach outside the edgar casey center) now wheelchair bound, and bound too in a rather unhealthy relationship, as i see it.
her partner took the time to make this visit all about himself, and without so much as even first asking to touch me,  pounced upon my being and proceeded to do his brand of healing on me. ( i surrendered to Love, and surrounded myself with Light, so as not to be branded or cause a scene - never mind, i was told i had no choice, i knew other wise! he informed me that were i not to take his "offer" he would have had to leave the room because, as he put it, he was going to vomit from all the negative energy he was picking up from me!) [well, yeah pal... like i really wasnt looking forward to being around your manipulative personality again. ] and then this "healer" gave his feed back (without asking for permission) in the company of my pupil and friend , both of whom had already akwardly sat through his performance of power. not content with that alone, he went on mindlessly to down play Reiki as not being as potent as his healing.
my friend never got to receive her initiation, since it no longer felft right to remain there.
my pupil had her eye open the whole time, and we were able to use this experience as a valuable teaching...
of sorts!

                                                   going home lighter
                                                   having passed on the Reiki

                                                   a matchless teaching

                                                        Q: when is Reiki not Reiki
                                                        A: when it drops out from the master's koan

{and please for anyone who is not a Reiki master, do not read this book pictured above...i bought whatever copies i found at the bookstore,when it first came into print, only to keep it off the shelf. while i understand the writer's intentions, her story alone at how she had to beat the information out of a master, and was never initiated as a one herself, is another one of those sad and valuable lessons, from my perspective.}

love you got