Wednesday, October 24, 2012


i have no homeland security!

if  "the land of the free" ( we can talk about that contested "myth america" later )
gets her mitt on the hill in DC ( after a fashion in which bill got his
DOMA bill signed - while doing monica, and  maybe hill too -
 go know, not to mention how bush got his rocks off  in iraq )
we had better
be bakin'
our all american pies with more than just one homophile
 (stuck? intuit ) in order to get out
of our coming cell

blocked like so many others here
it is unacceptable to me as an american
 in a holy union with a same-gendered alien
that i have been dehumanized to live with no homeland security !

the terrorizing threat  [coming from Immigration pigs ] is that 
spouses ( without a green card or the  proper visa )
can still legally be sent back to their country ,
leaving US citizens on their own to be
choosing "shall i stay or shall i go?"
rendering freedom freedomless
 & many flagged down to be un -
united with liberty and justice
just for straight americans.

my cup runneth over

with hope
that all alien loves will become honored
here on US earth 
as we are out there

love you got
to get out and vote - its the last straw !
(and god help us - no matter what - in Reality!!!)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


when its time to evacuate
no matter what you have got
in mind
{ including that stool sample for the interior designer
which would match your favorite poof }
dont let "it" get in your weigh

we all have paid
a heavy duty
for being on earth
and there is no way in heaven
that the rest of the universe
wants it
once the spoils have been interred

love you got
( to become the lighter
as i am )

Monday, October 15, 2012


 { well of course, go know... i had to hit the "save" button ,
as i am composing ... this time on and off again electronically
now here as if i havent
learned by now my lesson is to be releasing
and not re-saving all i have got 
in order to get free ! } 

so, now i ask of myself as so many have of me, 
"the point of it all, glenn, was for _______?"

i only looked
at (the) newspapers
for the untold
possibilities of word combinations -
its all subjective i find -
even the headlines
( and god, what i can and still do read into them )
and now to wit i have released oddly enough just about all of that
(i had saved)!

what was i going to do with it?
enter into the space
of a muse-um
open to me
and then into Mind
to create phrase by byline a multidimensional
and spontaneous poem beyond
what is considered a page
as even now books are getting faced out.

but photographs are another story...
unlike full frontals, they contain the whole
picture in all of its glory
and to exhibit them
(even in part as is   an art)
takes to wit a certain kind
of mentality for the viewer to really see
and get
 ( actually intuit )
becoming the art

alas, now the garbage
man has the task of doing with it what he can
as this is what has come to pass
of would be art...
in the way of all men.

love you got

Friday, October 12, 2012


one of the things that i am realizing is that senti-mentality has no place when it comes to
playing it safe in letting go...and no more so than when letting go with god!
i am often told that i will be able to find again - whatever (wherever whenever etc.) it is i
think i might be needing for an art piece. this might be true, however as i am going over all 
my boxes of stuff , i see the treasures that have come to me...and go know now after all
these years if i am still not remembering just why i did save it (all)...however now too i am
beginning ( have to start somewhere!) to be seeing the "un-importance" of it all,  as well as
at the same time  feeling my mind is a safe house for underground ideas on their way still
to freedom's door!
i know that to be making art at this time is not exactly what i am to be doing...unless
getting free is an art - and too, to re-save, thinking that whatever will yet be used one day is out
of the question - for when we do land, (wherever that might be, as opposed to keep on flying
to never neverland in dreams) it will be no doubt a year of getting a house in order...and who knows
if i will be wanting to go to collage after that, with nature calling photograph and paint and
perform or perchance just to sit and i am .
letting go of how creative i am perceiving myself is foolish when in Truth i am a visual alchemist,
knowing there will never be a time when i am not being ( or  not being a creative  ) for it is my nature,
by god and goddess to be one as such!

"in this moment, gather up all your limitations and illusions into a ball
 in your hands, and reach out and hand it over to them. They will send
this energy back into the universal energy recycling bin. Energy never ends.
It is just recycled."  

great spiritual message, to keep in mind, no?  i am so relieved i saved it from sister aluna's in site...
no matter saving more may make me in the eyes of some a greater lunatic! never the less there is more
to go, and in the letting go, comes great zen "awakenings" - as far as any ken can kick up, it heals!

i come across old photos and restaurant place mats (like Tuck-a hoe Inn), candy wrappers from foreign countries (a Golden Gay Time, or pack of sugar Fags is still hard to release !), nyc bus
transit passes (which are no more!), masses of pamphlets on gay rights,(of which we are in need of still more, no thanks to the catholic masses!) and headline after headline  i read and ripped
with witty innuendos in mind to mix and match with all of the above...and book matches too.
the time it took to find and save (the profound to the bizarre), and even more to re-view...and discard again - like who was i kidding, the first time i tried - all that is art... as much as all of everything in time
ever created in Thought.
in some kind of humble awareness  now, see how i and we do it  collectively because we are artists
made in the image of the Abstract One and are moved to by our own god nature to create a new world mind...the ultimate act of spiraling towards a master peace finally...beyond any museum's hands.
as the energies speed up, and i begin to expand in recognition of being multidimensional, i won-
der what on earth was i thinking i could do with all this?
maybe just maybe with the first black hole i come across, i will just give it back to "them"...and then
continue freely to trip the light fantastic and save not even the angel dust on my heels.

love you got

Thursday, October 11, 2012


ok every body
get out of this vehicle and give a push!
its about time to wind up
this mother again

another 260,000 years ought to see us coming straight
out on the other side of time
with Heaven on our hands!

in the mean time, baby, its time
to raise our fun-dalini
once and for all
just ask
"Quetzelcoatl ,will you be Mayan for ever ?"

and for Goddess' sake, please
dont think about having
  a heavy weight in mind for Valentine's day!

as time goes...bye!
(thanks to the creator of the above)

love you got

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


is this not
what might be con -
sidered by some as a prime ex-
ample of  (some exotic) "fine china"  ?

 like wise
these are not
(see) cups but come never the less
to be hooked up with their chaucers

oh for the life of me
have you ever had such a tongue
stung by the high -
lighted buzz
of  a pricking bee?

love you got
(savoring the spoils
of this summer)

Friday, October 5, 2012


heres to hugo ball...and i will too
heres to kurt schwietzer...and his "merz"
here's to marcel duchamp...and his "ready mades"
heres to all those dadas and MoMas, forerunners of conceptual and pop
who inspired me to be the art that i am, with no misgivings.

i had no idea that what i was making was dada...until someone pointed that out to me;
and then later with having my collages labeled as "zen dada", i chose to let it stick.

while some read newspapers, i would rip them... magazines too, and just about anything
that appeared with words. i would then juxtapose an image or two (hardly more -
thats where "the zen" comes in) or sometimes just another word or two to twist the word
to cast another meaning...the more i would make the more profound were my findings:
like after finding an empty can washed up on the beach with "shell" printed on it, manifesting
the perfect fit of another can with "pearl" printed on it came just like that!

and now i am in the process of "letting it all go with god" (would just half do?)

i feel like i hit the jackpot today going through my fodder!!!
i found a photo of myself with my one time best friend skippy from 1972
when we were tripping in the graveyard of the old church in bergen (NL)
dating back to napoleon! (talk about being a bone apart with those betty davis eyes!!)
and then another one of me sneaking into view (posed of course)
in my rainbow coat created  from my old drapes, with my blue velvet bell bottom
pants cut in half and sewn in for sleeves, sporting a colander on my head for a hat (i recall
doing that at the age of 6 even!)
to match mercury's , behind a bunch of navy guys who lived around the corner
from me and mama on 14 and 1/2  St in virginia beach...behind the miniature golf course
with the huge pink elephant that poked its nose into our bedroom too often for my taste!
{one must be very exact for what one wishes to manifest! i had projected the perfect position
by the water within a loving community. go know if i wasnt sent a job to be teaching art
to The Navy...never mind the possibly of going down with the ship - which wasnt that
unpleasant of a thought when  matching up the word seamen to semen - but was everyone
on board, including the captain, pretending to be gay, or was all that just a result of all the LSD
the crew consumed on hand outs from the head nurse cum medicine man... who just for fun
one evening drove us up to the pentagon on a fast trip and then at the gate after flashing his
official pass, said, "oh, sorry, we must have made a wrong turn", and headed back home} go know,
years later if when i showed this photo to a friend who lived high in a 5th ave pent house, that
if the person next to me wasnt her son!
and the last - maybe 10 postcards of the girl with the pearl earring by vermeer,
purchased in den haag the same year i was part of "the experiment in international living"
and instead of living like a diplomat, went off to camp on the beach where i became the
head freak of "the monkey family" having our own experiment in cosmic living!
it was a special day i had there in the museum with her (tripping of course, as museums seemed
at that time to be my chosen place of  "energy gathering and releasing" ) because her image presided
over the room above the crown supermarket in bridgeport where i first experienced "IT"
 in the middle of our ongoing sensitivity group (c 1968) before ever doing any drugs!

i have just realized that although i have not yet dropped the body i am getting a head start
on my "life review"...and what could be more divine than to have the grateful dead, sly and
the family stone, rotary connection, and janice joplin all jamming away as i unjamed what i thought
i had been bred for?

mercy me, (merz,see me!) some things are just too good to give back to the rubbish!

love you got

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


to bee or not to bee ?
( here i am in the shakespeare garden  circa 1977)

as long as one is
aware of how long
a prick takes
to get into a hand
one can run
to make one's honey
behind the back of any misbehaving bee keeper

ram dass
says  in no time at all
" bee quick about it!"

love you got