Sunday, January 31, 2016

Of THEE ICING (on the cake)

"a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"

(the four playing here, is how She wrote and implied it to wit ...and so intuit the hidden orgasm
of "eros" which came to her aurally and as she called it : "having a cow"
never mind  the pet French poodle she had with her pet alice was called "Basket")

out right here i am all for playing too how the word may reverberate in our ears,
so  holy cow or not like wise
"a pen is a pen is a pen is a pen "

so as the men tour above 
with nothing to fear or answer for
i sing for just desserts ...just do not pen me into being
anything else but what is on the rise and aligned with bliss 
but per chants with that of a holy man's (as is)...
for with another one too i did have it in mind  for myself with Gert's profound inspiration  again
for getting over the possible pricks to the conventional, this time and again within my rites to wit:
"a roshi is a roshi is a roshi is a roshi"

its a shame that i will not get to celebrate my great inspiration's birthday
for it will be a day alas "lost in space" 
by passed  from here to there in the air
(and dear gert believe me there is more there up there than meets this spaced out one's eye
- no doubt i will get over it!)
She above all could and she would above all did
write it down the way she heard it coming up and
 being spoken ...and it was no matter to her or Alice (who was one with the cow herd
like Govinda - and maybe too at times behind her back , with that little boy blue, Krishna)
if anybody felt it wasn't right to write or felt as a rite to print...

here now in honor i am inspired to write on my principles (never mind the royal tease):
 "why wait in a castle
 hoping for a stroke of luck  to come
of being informed that your rites of transforming 
the word plays into an art form
are indeed up
to fluff as well as fit for a prince to snatch up?
you can have your cake and eat it too ... now make a wish and blow!

Happy Birthday Gert,
your girth of words round out the mirth you bring me to mind!

and hear now too : how i have on exhibition (cum display) in my zendo dada
The Bust of Gertrude Stain
it was made the opposite of how a plaster cast of mick jagger would be , and when at last painted up
like no painted lady she'd associate with, i poured my cup of espresso over it
and hence the title seemed to fit...never thinking to ask, "would you like some thing else with it?"
too hear how once with my own Gert like companion, Mary Heartperson, we ventured off
to the Met and stood our selves close up to her portrait by Picasso,
donned our party hats (and with silent noise makers in hand) sang
happy birthday to our lady ( but alas, we were tokeless)!
go know this date i remember well, but would rather leave it like a sleeping dog in a hand basket
for it was on groundhog day in 69 i returned from Israel for my brothers wedding.
see the movie "I Love You Alice B. Toklas", and you'll get the picture!
Love you got
(next one will be coming to you from down under)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Listen to my BODHI-TALK (over and out)

I am hair now again
with another Ram Dass  (the dog of GOT, by god)

Alas, the plans of mice and men who're praising cheeses, as The Whey to an everlasting piece
often get eaten up before the service (of putting the bell around the neck of the cat, so to speak)!
i was feeling as a co-host  of Bodhi-Talk that i was jam-packed (like a divine jelly donut) with messages coming from a higher plane (cum space ship)...and out to be delivering them to the hung up, the crossed, and the hungry for a different taste of lightness as far as spirituality goes, as the Heir waved me through the electric circuits into thin air...just like that to feed them their rites to manifest their own manna!
"Enlightenment comes at the end of coming out of the human closet." (I had been tolled, by God, many times over)!
my co-host had a challenge with me apparently under-minding his "paradigm shift".
(pardon me but does any body else not get what that means? its being so passed around in new age circles like its the new mood ring!) i speak for the common man and woman, in poetic ways, as brother walt did in his "i sing the  body electric" go know if i am not responsible again for "speaking with the arrogance of the well adjusted!"( which is what was told to my love at an EST gathering years ago, because he dared to question "What's the problem?")
not to put down those who hope to find themselves via the 12 step programs, i am out to promote and support that there is a one step program...and it takes s a leap of faith for sure  (however keep in mind that i am all for playing the fools advocate), to just look in a mirror, stick out your tongue and say, "AHHH, God, there you are!" ( all i can say is that this is the only practice i have ever mastered!)
so  in conclusion, POOF! what does one ultimately discover:  "there is no self!" (end of subject, end of verb, end of dangling participles and indirect objects in opposition.)
so on our last show, which i sensed would be my last, coming by my choice, with our subject matter being: "What I know and how I got to know it"  i had to stop my friend from going on and on with an "in the class room" lecture, to assure i had equal heir time...and after i went through all that it doesn't take to become enlightened in reality, i summed up my life experience with, " I know I am no one if I am not loving, and that I am every Bodhi if I am; its that simple! To be without love is unthinkable, to be without God is impossible, to be without humor is humorless!"
basically my pal and i were coming from two different camps...mainly i am (camp, that is) and he isn't! i do believe gay is a choice (which has made me very unpopular with many of my queer brothers!)...and one of the gifts besides a fabulous sense of good humor (which like good and plenty melts in your mouth and at times too in your hands, if chosen like wise to be licked) is knowing beyond belief what we are taught is not always true! imagine if we were all shown as children, it doesn't matter who you love as long as you are loving. By god, is there anything more to realize about enlightenment than this?
no worries i will not be broadcasting with my co-host any was fun. just as was when i once grabbed the pilot' s mike when flying over iowa, with my brother roger in the back seat, and said, "i always wanted to say this, 'do you read me, do you read me, roger? over and out!' "
                                                                  Love you got

Friday, January 29, 2016

THE RETURN TO OZ (is on the rise)

                             "OZ never gave anything to the tin man that he didn't already have..."

No sooner did my last blog get off the ground when go know i had a response from Q, who're now out to do the right thing finally and be compensating us for what we'll be spending for food on our American legs of the journey! i'm just hung (in suspension with no wings)  wondering if after our dessert is served, the steward will ever so pilotly (sic) suggest, "sir, its perfectly ok, you can go outside to play now if you'd like!" The crew and customers alike always look at me a bit funny during take off especially, because once when like Erica , I had the fear of flying, i was told by friends to just think of being up there as if i were riding on a dog with tall legs...very tall legs i imagine - and so to help get the dog get off the run way, i still always run with my legs (but in my seat, mind you) under me  as if  i were a marathon racer, hoping to get to the finishing touches of lift off before the dog legs give out.

Its been a long strange trip to say the least, of these last few years! here are the previews of what no doubt will be highlights in my life in review, by god when i'm allowed to get out of this body (out of my mind was granted long ago, thank god, and in a way, its help me to be here, in a very out of sight way!): i was found out for subletting my apartment on 48th street , and as a result i gave it up without a fight; it had served me well. my wanting to have a city experience only for a few years turned into a saga...go know i came into it in 1980 via a friend whom i had met at one of kelvin's parties on staten island, after he became a moonie, and left to join in the culture of that cult. I turned it into an art piece, an environment, an installation.  and like my art, everything in there was placed where it was because it played off what was around it...and there was always a lot around it! "why renovate when one can decorate?" it was a 5th floor walk up in an old tenement...the old claw foot tub was still in the kitchen, next to a window which opened to the sky,( and another window across the air shaft from which i was always being  cruised , by this i mean,  often flashed with another's shaft - batteries included!) between the sink and the stove, and the old water closet now which didn't need to be shared with the rest on the floor, up a huge step, which was right next to the sink so i could make my coffee and do the dishes if i was so inclined  to right from the tub!
before i sublet it, i wrote to the metropolitan museum of art asking if they wanted it and all the contents to relocate and recreate as one of their period rooms since one day i know there will be those who would die to experienced this shaman like set (with all the rite stuff, to be blowing the whistles and beating the drums to another tune) cum hippie pad of the 60s! ["old hippies never die, they just trip away"]

i write of this briefly only because i am still thinking about ascension...and when one walked right into the kitchen there where once hung the old gas light, i had hanging down from the ceiling two doll legs ( big ones of course, not like Barbie's!) and to those who knew how thin the roof was, this looked as if someone had fallen through, but for me, it was created to keep in mind that one day ascensions was going to be a reality (no matter "the second coming" was in my mind  always a sexual and not a religious experience, which i did happen teach and not by chants to a rabbi who's wife was too busy into her Buddhist training to become a nun to pleasure him any more, no matter what jesus or ganesh would say )!

It was in this space too  i had given my first funeral party to myself! it was right before harmonic convergence in 1987 when i was going off to mexico to be praying for 40 days under this at least two thousand year old tree in El Tule (outside of Oaxaca) where it was said Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent himself, sat very much like the Buddha did under his Bodhi tree , pondering enlightenment and the shape of the world with "shall i stay or shall i go (and if i do, what is the tail i will leave behind)?" {imagine now hearing  doris day now sing, "How much is that doggy in the window"?}
that for sure is another story, however when one dedicates her/himself to becoming a planetary healer, one never knows how the universe will choose to employ that being...if that one will become a walk-in or be taken up by the space brothers...or just sent back to NYC to be a regular dude, knowing that is just as valid as any bodhisattva-wanna-be experience. i never saw my mother so spaced out, keeping the fridge door open as she did that day when i told her of my plan...the door (of perception)was actually holding her up! she asked how she would know if it was me, if i returned, the "one she knows" (with the wagging tale) . in Truth, i'll be fucked if even now i know who that is! and so i gave her the code that i would use : "I'm not a Rappaport". honestly i don't know if she ever asked or if i ever mentioned it again, although last Nov. when we buried her at a ripe 92, right before we got to her open plot, go know if there wasn't this huge mother of a head stone  before hers with (Yes!) "Rappaport" carved into it, but not nearly as telling as the Aztec stone with another history which has become more apparent since my 1987 trip, when i like jesus had been a rolling stone! to me death is not something grave at all
(when people who haven't heard that mom has "dropped the body", ask "how is your mother?" i say, "she couldn't be better, she's dead!" ...and here was the universe again showing the theater of opposites  off with levity right in my face! (come again on that, would you, god?) the first real sign to myself and friends that i was being overtaken (not undertaken...but what the fuck, why not that too, i'm game, like what in the illusion have i got to lose?) by the star elders telepathically by design,  was the cartoon i had drawn up that got published in the Bozon Gazette. it was of a man still having breakfast, newspaper covering his face, not seeing anything and all that could be seen of his wife were her legs in the air (come on, not here! it wasn't the bedroom!) and under the table were the words "don't bother me, im having a religious experience!"

"Are we there yet?" ( and not to worry, dearie "its not over until the fat lady sings" and she wont, be-cause  i've got her gagged !) now the real reason i believe the mother ship (or is it "The Mother shift?) didn't pick me up back in mexico was because i had too much baggage... pop rocks,beads, bubbles, etc to entertain the natives and their likes...even today i travel with a bag of props! like how was i ever going to explain earth humor to the "aliens"... without a whoopee cushion, a rubber chicken, and a pair of groucho marx glasses (which don't change my looks at all!)?

Go know, last Jan the US finally issued my love his "green card" - never mind what the frog says,
it is a lot easier being green! this means he can now leave the country and get back in (getting back in was never a problem for me...the real question was, did i want to? or maybe the real question was, why were we considered married in NY state, but on weekends in Pa we weren't?
[the bumper sticker on the back of our vehicle  reads "Venus or Bust"! this sure fucks with the cops head - cant say "brains"-  whos been  trying to get us for speeding  because we beat him in court on a ticket he issued that held no weight because had just finished the snow job of shoveling the walk minutes ago ]

All i can say after being in transit for over 31 hours is that my plane of consciousness always has another shift. Last i was regularly blogging ended in Dec 2012 was the beginning of lots of things ending as i started out writing.
Sandy came. power went out 12. 12. 12. happened and no body went anywhere...but Mom got sick.
(i knew when i took that photo of her on Thanksgiving  just one month before, that it would be the last time she'd be up here with the flesh.)
Cheap politicians, expensive lawyers, the back stabbing hardware bar owner under us, a corrupt landlord and his dick who crossed state lines to harass us into accepting a buy out or be evicted,...(re-read  the last blog entered of 2012.) hells kitchen became hotter than any of the back rooms of the gay bars in the village in the 70s and 80s (stories that have  been relayed to me, of which i cant speak first hand of, no matter i have always considered myself a sister of perpetual whoopee!) that had a no holds barred rule...and HK now, pardon me, became just too queer for us to be happy and gay there! the landlord got us out on technicalities ( actually we choose to take a "cheap (good)buy out" rather than fight it out in court, since we were living at mom's in nj mostly as we were nursing her back to health and that was taking a toll on us... more than the Lincoln tunnel - and go know too, its not The Light, at the end of the tunnel, but NJ after all!) and even though i was the one responsible for getting the apartment across the hall from us at  48th and 10th shut down for being run as a "hotel", the landlord still claimed that we didn't live in our studio which kelvin had been renting since truth, the rent was so good, we always told friends we couldnt afford to move from NYC! it was so convenient when he got his place, not only because going back to staten island after being to the  opera was such a drag, but because it was just down the block from my place, in the beginning, before i moved in  (after i got word from the star beings that i was to report back home after my Mexican pilgrimage, and not Home after my co called funeral) it was just a 2 minute walk from my bed room.

Tasmania came and went ...2013, nothing in 2014 but coping...
Retirement came for each of us but my friends laugh saying "how is that for you, when you never worked?"(and like enlightenment i must admit, its not all it is cracked up to be...its hard work! (meditation in the form of creation is the viagara for being here!)
we left the city, and like job never looked backed...but the flames of Sodom are still blazing under where once we slept, and the drag queens carry on back stage still where my gift of a white noise machine from them to ease my sleep deprivation would have been better put elsewhere ...the gypsy palm reader is gone and a tattoo parlor where once she gazed into the future, now offers pricks on the spot of another kind, with maybe the same of another kind behind for the asking!
As mentioned, mom left her body, and hasn't looked back either...the word has come that she has said, "if I knew it was going to be this beautiful I wouldn't have waited so long!"
This time being in Oz we wont have to worry about receiving "that" phone call...and to make light of a joke bette midler once used about the queen mother almost losing her crown  in a car theft cum robbery, if  the plumed serpent were riding with us, there wouldn't have been any question of who had the magic beans for this flight to pass Go without understanding how we got to Oz with our heads so delightfully fed?
love you got

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

i think i'll just eat my shadow (or the saga of the Qantas/American food voucher)

"Oh, steward, I'd like a stiff one please,
and you know where you can put it?"

Never mind all this talk about ascension, or the paradigm shift whatever that is...20 cents couldn't turn me on any more than having one of mama cass's muu-muus (as Tom Robin's of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues fame, responded in a similar manner, when he was informed by my  Mission of the Creative Spirit that he had been chosen for that year's highest held in the mind of creativity, award, "that makes me  more excited than if I had won a pair of Briney Spears' undies!"  go know, i didn't even know who he was talking about since after mama cass died, i never had another pop idol, except the one made in the image of his father, The Electrician who said, "Let there be Light"...but by then i knew i had some things to work out over that with the Holy See!) And the award was just a bowling trophy find from the salvation army dressed up to suit the half holy man who got it by default simply as an excuse for the bliss brothers to meet the other half!) So with this talk of shifts being passed on as if it is the gospel, and we must be clear of the ending so that it doesn't sound like "shit", my friend and fellow minister Zell, who is the spiritual leader of the Church of the Immaculate Perception, has pointed out to me, the book we both hold so dear to us is A Course in Miracles, and not "The" Course etc.( although "the" is the key word no doubt in her lexicon, as she celebrates James Joyce, the day before I do Gertrude Stein...and in both cases it holds true to us each that "a roshi is a roshi is a roshi"...never mind no body might understand us at all...
and for what its worth, miracles are many!

So I am hoping for some kind of miracle, and not just the shit I have been getting from Qantas and American Airlines over my questioned food service for this long flight to Oz, leaving on Groundhog Day and somehow completely by pass Gertrude's birthday in the air! Never mind beyond my intuition hearing both sides of airlines customers service agents laughing, i will not settle for an
"Oh, get over it, bite me!"
It goes  like this:
We booked our flight to Australia on Q, and then were told that that flight was cancelled and we were put on another flight that very same day from the very same airport to the very same place only on Ameican Airlines this time. While we paid for our food service in the initial price of our ticket, we were  informed now that we would have to paying for food, should we want it on the six hour segment from NY to LA (and the same upon return in two months time).
i spoke with a customer service rep in Oz who then told me to go to their web page and write to them with this complaint which i did. Fifteen days later i received an answer from them stating, "We are sorry you didn't have a good flight, we hope you had a joyous holiday, and we hope you will choose to fly with us again." Like don't they understand English? or American?
So I then called up American and asked if food vouchers from Q were delt with on their end. I had two very polite agents do their best and the last directed me back to Qantas! That customer service agent then told me to write to the web page for technical support, and they told me I was technically in the wrong direction with my complain and sent me to food services who then wrote back saying "no, go to this address", and the answer i received was "this is no longer a working e-mail address".

There comes a point  when one just says "enough of this shift"! its not worth all the time i am investing (intuit) "

So as i am flying out on Groundhog Day, i think i will just eat my shadow...that is until i make my connection in LA, change my carrier (and i don't mean those red shoes) and start to drink all the XXXX that Q does serve on the house, in the air, to wash down the bad taste of all that came from those not very helpful customer service reps. And "Oh, Steward, please hold the nuts!" 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HAVE SCHEMATA - WILL CLEAN (nu? so what's renewed under the sun??)

Once I did light house work !

Yes, this is true...
i  had a business back in the 80s in NYC that i called : "Have Schemata - Will Clean"  (for those who don't live in NYC, "schemata" is Yiddish for "rag"...but different from the word in that song incorporating "rag mama rag"!)
i took it off of the old cowboy TV show in the 60s ,"Have Gun-Will Travel".
Just like Mae West's  line that i "stole", (consciously verbally collaged), and used on the guard who was frisking me in my prison drag at the front gate of the correctional institution where i was teaching clowning ( my version of Humor Therapy)to the inmates: "Officer, is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me??"

It wasn't the first time i used that "Have (whatever)-Will (whatever)" for when i was fourteen  i had started up my own business called  "Have Party-Will Plan"... but no body had the insight or balls to tell this young entrepreneur ( that's what the newspapers called me after my first party on the day that Marilyn Monroe died) my
by line of "Let Me Entertain You" had come off of one of Gypsy Rose Lee's fans!

Needless to say, i wasn't cleaning up as much as my brothers who're in the stock market were! [Here i will out right confess, though that once on a job i was asked to do the hose (sic) work in the flesh...and of course, the line i had used on that correctional officer in this case really didn't have to be asked, and too, out of this i got a much larger tip than i did by the state of New Jersey!!]
Well go know if i am not doing the same now (his story does repeats itself!)
being a light worker...only now i am blessedly being compensated beyond belief;
however, i am needing larger garbage bags, because these new ones don't seem to hold karma the way the older ones did!
The big joke going around the light house now is how i have transformed myself, no matter i still  appear to be just the karma bagger i always was in Truth.

For those of you who're wanting to take up this cause for the enlightenment of the world, seriously, if not for yourself alone (remembering there is just one of us here...never mind the chickens!) I Am putting out for one and all to go to and see the light for yourself!
Ever working on keeping the hard work not separated from what is really for play in the universe, I Am at your service, the self transformed light house worker, and  that
bodhisattva-wanna-be now packing up on Australia Day, and leaving for Oz in one week,
glenn of trees, gnome de plume


Sunday, January 24, 2016

And God said to Adam...

"Come on boy, you're making it hard on me...I'd rather be creating;
you know I Am not here soul-ly just for playing with you!"

This part of country seems to be besieged by a snow tell you the Truth, its nothing like the snow job we're getting from that trump card! I simply cant imagine having a reality show president!
If this is so, then maybe I can have a flash back to Wonderama, or go know, Ding Dong School with Miss Francis- never mind, she never rang my bell as much as Clarabelle did or Gerald McBoing Boing!

All in all, like God, I'd rather be creating than entertaining, but if I can be doing both, by god,
I will!  I've designed some T-shirts to take to Tasmania! They all wonder down under just what kind of artist I am and I've long given up on trying to explain that, even here, and  so I have one T-shirt with that in mind that will never be worn out, boasting: "I AM My ART"! On one trip I created a few for our friend Helena, Lady of Ross, and her friends who founded the "No More Crap Society" (there was upon the front the image of The Book of Pooh, and that on top of On Top of Old Potty) which were all worn to The Man of Ross pub in celebration of women. Last year I created for those wild wacky widows (mostly), something of another was with Tasmanian Women's Aristocratic Triage Society  printed down the front (imagine it now! and on the back - ever not so subtle, mind you was: "You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too"...which is also printed on my card of "Creating the Ceremony of Your Dreams", being the wedding celebrant that I am of The Word - with "You Can Have it Yah-Way" just below that!) I have too a new shirt with the image of Mount Roland with a cartoon balloon from the top saying "I Am Perfect Just The Way I am!" for there are those there who're wanting to put a mono rail up Roland, which is rather like building that tower of Babel to God, in my mind! ( I feel I am an environ-mental activist just by wearing this.)
And I've got a few other new ones to add to my designs from last year which include "What This Town Needs is Another Eccentric!" beside the one with an image of me with my second head making me a "Fairdinkum Taswegian", one now being a photo of the first gasoline -
named Ethel - pump ... maybe in all of Oz- with a cartoon balloon saying "The Art Scene in Sheffield is a Gas" and down below is "This Pumps Nothing But Art". Not necessary designed for this trip, but it will be taken along, is a photo of a dog sitting in the lotus position with the OM sign over its head, and the words in that cartoon balloon ( that surpasses ever being overworked), is 
"Its Time For All Dogmas To Be Enlightened"

There is as well the shirt with a photo of me in my Nirvana T-shirt, holding a Disney sign - which I had manifested for this image purposely - of Bugs Bunny's head (like instant collage, right?) with the words "If Nirvana is God's Carrot I Am Bugs Bunny!" (There is a card of this now in a cheese shop in town called the Alley Whey, that  I signed for the owner who loves the band Nirvana, with my words of mirth and worthship, "Praise Cheeses - from a man of The Way to a man of the whey"). Today for my live broadcast, no matter its just radio, I will be wearing my Bodhi-Talk t-shirt which has below the image of Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree,  "Be Hear Now". Almost its mate in a way is my Enlightenment with Laughter one with "Laughter is The massage of the Universe" in that yes, ever present balloon, and under the Buddha so entertainingly teasing is "Imagine Life Being all For Play"

In my luggage this time to Oz - which IS Tasmania to me - and above is just that big ( no man is an) island with The Rock of sages in the center - I am carrying several of my photo books weighing 30 pounds, go know, one of which is Papa's Place for dear Helena (which she doesn't know yet she is getting for hosting us as she does), which will complement my last one I made for her of Chez Helena, and Roseneath Remembered, which was commissioned by a friend of hers who was selling her property of that name and homestead that was built in the 1830s. Also in that bag is Dowra, (another book of a beautiful homestead in the outback),  My HeART Belongs to TASSIE, and my latest,of impressions taken last year at the mural fest in Sheffield (where mostly everyone captures the murals as they are being painted, while I photographed the plastic that protected them from the elements, in the early morning light, getting landscapes from another dimension and booked into) A Visual Manifesto of The Murals in Sheffrock. Also a copy of I Am A Cloud Farmer, Tasmanian Abstracts, and The Bliss Brothers Tasmanian Vision (of 2013) to be gifted to a yet unnamed museum.

So with just a week to go, I had better get the rest of my shit together rather than just thinking I can be for playing with The Word's the way Adam would have had God in the beginning still doing with his...other wise, I'd be like that dog in hippie drag on that  ultimate T of tease with his balloon projecting "Like man, can you dig it? I never met a flashback I didn't like!"

Love you got

Saturday, January 23, 2016

READY FOR TAKE OFF (and it has nothing to do with Enlightenment!)

The big joke about Groundhog Day is that no matter what, its still going to be 6 more weeks of winter! DUH! like who doesn't get it? I just spoke about that on Bodhi-Talk, the radio program I am co-hosting with my pal, Doug. In some ways now, its more like the psychotherapist and the psycho than just "two white brotherhood wanna be dudes sitting round talkin'... 'bout enlightenment" (a take off on the title of Louise Laser's Off  Off Broadway show back in the late whatevers)!...In the beginning I saw it more like the Car Guys, only God was going to be our vehicle! Tomorrow Sunday Jan 24th will be our 4th program...from here we'll see if there will be more there (on "the Heir", so to speak); we'll be sharing what we know and how we got to "IT" ; ( for me it came just by walking in the ocean outside  Edgar Casey's  Association for Research on Enlightenment in Virginia Beach (go know, must have been "the float-some and jet-some" that hit this rabbinical school drop out whose karma was now catching up with him working as a dishwasher at The Jewish Mother!) I'll be reading two of my poems, and an essay I wrote on that topic ("What I Know") that got published back in 1988 in The Bozon Gazette (The word bozon coming from - the mind of one of my space cadet friends, who next to Patch Adams, has been a big influence in my life -  "bozo", being transformed in the light thought that "we are all bozos on the bus , traveling on to the Nth degree"...and maybe close to my D.Div. degree received from God knows where really,  no matter I value more now that I am a member of The Academy of Fools, by profession! 
Our first program went for an hour, once I got over that this was live, it was a piece of cake, no matter no one could see that I had dressed up and had my dog, Ram Dass' toy ground hog to squeeze in just the right spot!
I loved watching the Groundhog Day  movie over again...I completely forgot about that Sonny and Cher song coming on the radio everyday at 6 am : "I got you babe"! (but am I the only one to see it was too friggin light in the movie for that time of day in Feb?)
Like the universe sure had the bill murry character by the balls, didn't IT? And did anybody else catch the bumper sticker stuck to the wall behind him in the diner as he was eating all those donuts: "Happy Groundhog Day -The Spirit"! All this to boot, being celebrated at "Gobblers Knob? God help me, I don't dare go there!
Cher would have loved it...I met her once when I worked at The Erotic Bakery in NYC; she had come in to pick up a cake (yes, come to think of it, in a shape that visually matches up to the above named space where the celebration was being held) for Dustin Hoffman's birthday! I had the divine pleasure of writing in hot pink icing, "Make a wish and Blow"(as requested, once so inspired by none other than, yes, me,  upon it! I asked her if it was too tacky to ask to have her autograph, and she said "No", and gave it to me! But when I told her I still had the first record she ever made - the one with her and Sonny on the cover, she said, "Now,  that's tacky!"(hmm, maybe Sonny was the first man I had the hots for?  I'll take that into meditation to recall, because that's the only place in reality where I could take him now, isn't it?) 

So there we were just last week talkin bout it being "too darn hot"...the seasons being out of wack, and Whamo, Mother Nature hits us with a big one!
For some reason I am recalling this joke about "How do you make an elephant float?" (go know, it has nothing to do about enlightenment!) The answer was something like, "Get a glass, fill it with soda water, put in 2 scoops of ice cream, and add the elephant!"
And so today with all the snow outside I have presented to my spiritual friend, "How do you make a snowman float?" ...and again it has nothing to do with enlightenment, or even laughing gas!

go know, it looks something like this:

(Taking off in a week from Tue on Groundhog Day for that other pole.)
And as I once too wrote, now thinking about all those noses we'll need to come up with:
"If Nirvana is God's carrot, I am Bugs Bunny!"

Love you got