Sunday, January 31, 2016

Of THEE ICING (on the cake)

"a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"

(the four playing here, is how She wrote and implied it to wit ...and so intuit the hidden orgasm
of "eros" which came to her aurally and as she called it : "having a cow"
never mind  the pet French poodle she had with her pet alice was called "Basket")

out right here i am all for playing too how the word may reverberate in our ears,
so  holy cow or not like wise
"a pen is a pen is a pen is a pen "

so as the men tour above 
with nothing to fear or answer for
i sing for just desserts ...just do not pen me into being
anything else but what is on the rise and aligned with bliss 
but per chants with that of a holy man's (as is)...
for with another one too i did have it in mind  for myself with Gert's profound inspiration  again
for getting over the possible pricks to the conventional, this time and again within my rites to wit:
"a roshi is a roshi is a roshi is a roshi"

its a shame that i will not get to celebrate my great inspiration's birthday
for it will be a day alas "lost in space" 
by passed  from here to there in the air
(and dear gert believe me there is more there up there than meets this spaced out one's eye
- no doubt i will get over it!)
She above all could and she would above all did
write it down the way she heard it coming up and
 being spoken ...and it was no matter to her or Alice (who was one with the cow herd
like Govinda - and maybe too at times behind her back , with that little boy blue, Krishna)
if anybody felt it wasn't right to write or felt as a rite to print...

here now in honor i am inspired to write on my principles (never mind the royal tease):
 "why wait in a castle
 hoping for a stroke of luck  to come
of being informed that your rites of transforming 
the word plays into an art form
are indeed up
to fluff as well as fit for a prince to snatch up?
you can have your cake and eat it too ... now make a wish and blow!

Happy Birthday Gert,
your girth of words round out the mirth you bring me to mind!

and hear now too : how i have on exhibition (cum display) in my zendo dada
The Bust of Gertrude Stain
it was made the opposite of how a plaster cast of mick jagger would be , and when at last painted up
like no painted lady she'd associate with, i poured my cup of espresso over it
and hence the title seemed to fit...never thinking to ask, "would you like some thing else with it?"
too hear how once with my own Gert like companion, Mary Heartperson, we ventured off
to the Met and stood our selves close up to her portrait by Picasso,
donned our party hats (and with silent noise makers in hand) sang
happy birthday to our lady ( but alas, we were tokeless)!
go know this date i remember well, but would rather leave it like a sleeping dog in a hand basket
for it was on groundhog day in 69 i returned from Israel for my brothers wedding.
see the movie "I Love You Alice B. Toklas", and you'll get the picture!
Love you got
(next one will be coming to you from down under)

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