Saturday, January 30, 2016

Listen to my BODHI-TALK (over and out)

I am hair now again
with another Ram Dass  (the dog of GOT, by god)

Alas, the plans of mice and men who're praising cheeses, as The Whey to an everlasting piece
often get eaten up before the service (of putting the bell around the neck of the cat, so to speak)!
i was feeling as a co-host  of Bodhi-Talk that i was jam-packed (like a divine jelly donut) with messages coming from a higher plane (cum space ship)...and out to be delivering them to the hung up, the crossed, and the hungry for a different taste of lightness as far as spirituality goes, as the Heir waved me through the electric circuits into thin air...just like that to feed them their rites to manifest their own manna!
"Enlightenment comes at the end of coming out of the human closet." (I had been tolled, by God, many times over)!
my co-host had a challenge with me apparently under-minding his "paradigm shift".
(pardon me but does any body else not get what that means? its being so passed around in new age circles like its the new mood ring!) i speak for the common man and woman, in poetic ways, as brother walt did in his "i sing the  body electric" go know if i am not responsible again for "speaking with the arrogance of the well adjusted!"( which is what was told to my love at an EST gathering years ago, because he dared to question "What's the problem?")
not to put down those who hope to find themselves via the 12 step programs, i am out to promote and support that there is a one step program...and it takes s a leap of faith for sure  (however keep in mind that i am all for playing the fools advocate), to just look in a mirror, stick out your tongue and say, "AHHH, God, there you are!" ( all i can say is that this is the only practice i have ever mastered!)
so  in conclusion, POOF! what does one ultimately discover:  "there is no self!" (end of subject, end of verb, end of dangling participles and indirect objects in opposition.)
so on our last show, which i sensed would be my last, coming by my choice, with our subject matter being: "What I know and how I got to know it"  i had to stop my friend from going on and on with an "in the class room" lecture, to assure i had equal heir time...and after i went through all that it doesn't take to become enlightened in reality, i summed up my life experience with, " I know I am no one if I am not loving, and that I am every Bodhi if I am; its that simple! To be without love is unthinkable, to be without God is impossible, to be without humor is humorless!"
basically my pal and i were coming from two different camps...mainly i am (camp, that is) and he isn't! i do believe gay is a choice (which has made me very unpopular with many of my queer brothers!)...and one of the gifts besides a fabulous sense of good humor (which like good and plenty melts in your mouth and at times too in your hands, if chosen like wise to be licked) is knowing beyond belief what we are taught is not always true! imagine if we were all shown as children, it doesn't matter who you love as long as you are loving. By god, is there anything more to realize about enlightenment than this?
no worries i will not be broadcasting with my co-host any was fun. just as was when i once grabbed the pilot' s mike when flying over iowa, with my brother roger in the back seat, and said, "i always wanted to say this, 'do you read me, do you read me, roger? over and out!' "
                                                                  Love you got

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