Saturday, January 23, 2016

READY FOR TAKE OFF (and it has nothing to do with Enlightenment!)

The big joke about Groundhog Day is that no matter what, its still going to be 6 more weeks of winter! DUH! like who doesn't get it? I just spoke about that on Bodhi-Talk, the radio program I am co-hosting with my pal, Doug. In some ways now, its more like the psychotherapist and the psycho than just "two white brotherhood wanna be dudes sitting round talkin'... 'bout enlightenment" (a take off on the title of Louise Laser's Off  Off Broadway show back in the late whatevers)!...In the beginning I saw it more like the Car Guys, only God was going to be our vehicle! Tomorrow Sunday Jan 24th will be our 4th program...from here we'll see if there will be more there (on "the Heir", so to speak); we'll be sharing what we know and how we got to "IT" ; ( for me it came just by walking in the ocean outside  Edgar Casey's  Association for Research on Enlightenment in Virginia Beach (go know, must have been "the float-some and jet-some" that hit this rabbinical school drop out whose karma was now catching up with him working as a dishwasher at The Jewish Mother!) I'll be reading two of my poems, and an essay I wrote on that topic ("What I Know") that got published back in 1988 in The Bozon Gazette (The word bozon coming from - the mind of one of my space cadet friends, who next to Patch Adams, has been a big influence in my life -  "bozo", being transformed in the light thought that "we are all bozos on the bus , traveling on to the Nth degree"...and maybe close to my D.Div. degree received from God knows where really,  no matter I value more now that I am a member of The Academy of Fools, by profession! 
Our first program went for an hour, once I got over that this was live, it was a piece of cake, no matter no one could see that I had dressed up and had my dog, Ram Dass' toy ground hog to squeeze in just the right spot!
I loved watching the Groundhog Day  movie over again...I completely forgot about that Sonny and Cher song coming on the radio everyday at 6 am : "I got you babe"! (but am I the only one to see it was too friggin light in the movie for that time of day in Feb?)
Like the universe sure had the bill murry character by the balls, didn't IT? And did anybody else catch the bumper sticker stuck to the wall behind him in the diner as he was eating all those donuts: "Happy Groundhog Day -The Spirit"! All this to boot, being celebrated at "Gobblers Knob? God help me, I don't dare go there!
Cher would have loved it...I met her once when I worked at The Erotic Bakery in NYC; she had come in to pick up a cake (yes, come to think of it, in a shape that visually matches up to the above named space where the celebration was being held) for Dustin Hoffman's birthday! I had the divine pleasure of writing in hot pink icing, "Make a wish and Blow"(as requested, once so inspired by none other than, yes, me,  upon it! I asked her if it was too tacky to ask to have her autograph, and she said "No", and gave it to me! But when I told her I still had the first record she ever made - the one with her and Sonny on the cover, she said, "Now,  that's tacky!"(hmm, maybe Sonny was the first man I had the hots for?  I'll take that into meditation to recall, because that's the only place in reality where I could take him now, isn't it?) 

So there we were just last week talkin bout it being "too darn hot"...the seasons being out of wack, and Whamo, Mother Nature hits us with a big one!
For some reason I am recalling this joke about "How do you make an elephant float?" (go know, it has nothing to do about enlightenment!) The answer was something like, "Get a glass, fill it with soda water, put in 2 scoops of ice cream, and add the elephant!"
And so today with all the snow outside I have presented to my spiritual friend, "How do you make a snowman float?" ...and again it has nothing to do with enlightenment, or even laughing gas!

go know, it looks something like this:

(Taking off in a week from Tue on Groundhog Day for that other pole.)
And as I once too wrote, now thinking about all those noses we'll need to come up with:
"If Nirvana is God's carrot, I am Bugs Bunny!"

Love you got

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