Sunday, January 24, 2016

And God said to Adam...

"Come on boy, you're making it hard on me...I'd rather be creating;
you know I Am not here soul-ly just for playing with you!"

This part of country seems to be besieged by a snow tell you the Truth, its nothing like the snow job we're getting from that trump card! I simply cant imagine having a reality show president!
If this is so, then maybe I can have a flash back to Wonderama, or go know, Ding Dong School with Miss Francis- never mind, she never rang my bell as much as Clarabelle did or Gerald McBoing Boing!

All in all, like God, I'd rather be creating than entertaining, but if I can be doing both, by god,
I will!  I've designed some T-shirts to take to Tasmania! They all wonder down under just what kind of artist I am and I've long given up on trying to explain that, even here, and  so I have one T-shirt with that in mind that will never be worn out, boasting: "I AM My ART"! On one trip I created a few for our friend Helena, Lady of Ross, and her friends who founded the "No More Crap Society" (there was upon the front the image of The Book of Pooh, and that on top of On Top of Old Potty) which were all worn to The Man of Ross pub in celebration of women. Last year I created for those wild wacky widows (mostly), something of another was with Tasmanian Women's Aristocratic Triage Society  printed down the front (imagine it now! and on the back - ever not so subtle, mind you was: "You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too"...which is also printed on my card of "Creating the Ceremony of Your Dreams", being the wedding celebrant that I am of The Word - with "You Can Have it Yah-Way" just below that!) I have too a new shirt with the image of Mount Roland with a cartoon balloon from the top saying "I Am Perfect Just The Way I am!" for there are those there who're wanting to put a mono rail up Roland, which is rather like building that tower of Babel to God, in my mind! ( I feel I am an environ-mental activist just by wearing this.)
And I've got a few other new ones to add to my designs from last year which include "What This Town Needs is Another Eccentric!" beside the one with an image of me with my second head making me a "Fairdinkum Taswegian", one now being a photo of the first gasoline -
named Ethel - pump ... maybe in all of Oz- with a cartoon balloon saying "The Art Scene in Sheffield is a Gas" and down below is "This Pumps Nothing But Art". Not necessary designed for this trip, but it will be taken along, is a photo of a dog sitting in the lotus position with the OM sign over its head, and the words in that cartoon balloon ( that surpasses ever being overworked), is 
"Its Time For All Dogmas To Be Enlightened"

There is as well the shirt with a photo of me in my Nirvana T-shirt, holding a Disney sign - which I had manifested for this image purposely - of Bugs Bunny's head (like instant collage, right?) with the words "If Nirvana is God's Carrot I Am Bugs Bunny!" (There is a card of this now in a cheese shop in town called the Alley Whey, that  I signed for the owner who loves the band Nirvana, with my words of mirth and worthship, "Praise Cheeses - from a man of The Way to a man of the whey"). Today for my live broadcast, no matter its just radio, I will be wearing my Bodhi-Talk t-shirt which has below the image of Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree,  "Be Hear Now". Almost its mate in a way is my Enlightenment with Laughter one with "Laughter is The massage of the Universe" in that yes, ever present balloon, and under the Buddha so entertainingly teasing is "Imagine Life Being all For Play"

In my luggage this time to Oz - which IS Tasmania to me - and above is just that big ( no man is an) island with The Rock of sages in the center - I am carrying several of my photo books weighing 30 pounds, go know, one of which is Papa's Place for dear Helena (which she doesn't know yet she is getting for hosting us as she does), which will complement my last one I made for her of Chez Helena, and Roseneath Remembered, which was commissioned by a friend of hers who was selling her property of that name and homestead that was built in the 1830s. Also in that bag is Dowra, (another book of a beautiful homestead in the outback),  My HeART Belongs to TASSIE, and my latest,of impressions taken last year at the mural fest in Sheffield (where mostly everyone captures the murals as they are being painted, while I photographed the plastic that protected them from the elements, in the early morning light, getting landscapes from another dimension and booked into) A Visual Manifesto of The Murals in Sheffrock. Also a copy of I Am A Cloud Farmer, Tasmanian Abstracts, and The Bliss Brothers Tasmanian Vision (of 2013) to be gifted to a yet unnamed museum.

So with just a week to go, I had better get the rest of my shit together rather than just thinking I can be for playing with The Word's the way Adam would have had God in the beginning still doing with his...other wise, I'd be like that dog in hippie drag on that  ultimate T of tease with his balloon projecting "Like man, can you dig it? I never met a flashback I didn't like!"

Love you got

1 comment:

  1. Is there really a Mount Roland???? Asks the Reverend Mother
