Monday, March 5, 2012


i am not talking like a pop tune...i am not talking like an old house...i am not talking like a hand job...i am talking like job, himself!
and god, i simply cant wait for that final orgasm, which is beyond conception just now, the one that "death" will be delivering { in time, in time }...never mind all those "tiny deaths" which we experience when we sneeze (...the  whole reason for saying "god bless you" when we if we needed a reason to know we are blessed, or kneaded one, for that matter, as well)!
so now i am on the way of becoming like my old 45s and my 78s...not to mention the tapes i made playing with my battery operated tape recorder. and what is to become of my genius recorded on those floppy discs and the hard ones as well...and how long before my CDs even are unplayable for the downloading of bliss- full experiences to be had again? i am not a digital native by any means...but a loss is a loss...that is, if anything might ever be lost in an illusion except Reality!

i still have all my carbon copies of  letters i wrote...and i wrote and wrote, being a man of letters, if not of images... i have boxes and boxes of photo negatives as well as shelf after shelf of photo albums...after life to be documented through these pop-eyes!
going  to a point and shoot took time...going digital in photography took me even longer, but not as long as writing on a PC! i still have some of those ink cartridges that went into a "fountain" pen! i still have a bottle of ink for the real quill tipped pens,even. i still have saved my papers on which i learned how to print!
and i still have ink on my screen from when i tried to get an image of one of my rubber stamps into an e-mail! (and its beyond me why i-Page wont see to refund my $$$ for "back up and storage" when i recently canceled my account with them ...because i had  created nothing to be backed up. am i missing something?)

what happens to all the stuff that technology turns to trash? will the earth become the universe's "mt. trashmore" like the one in virginia beach under where my old undies lie?
what about books?  i cant wrap my eyes around reading on an electrical tablet! can you imagine god handing the ten commandments to moses in a kindle?  i can accept cuneiform not really being in fashion...{"oh shit man, i just lost my clay tablet with all my passwords on it!"} go know, i never really even learned to type! i fell in love with the pen, is still  my instrument of passion as i am composing (actually just transcribing the words as they are given to me for) my poetry ...however, the punctuation is always up to me!
what about those dial phones? my love and i still do not own a cell phone...just dont want one! and go know, a phone that takes photos...ohhh no, thank you! where is that old pin hole image maker? ( yes, prick by prick, that was indeed a delightful way - in the beginning- to be discovering the glory, whole and full of wonder for capturing what was becoming fast fading for the pleasure of history as it was!)
{smoke signals ? works well, except in forest fires when all lines seem to get jammed!}
confession: i have never text-ed anyone (my fingers are too big to write to even god ...on one)!

its all about communication isnt it? i do recall reading (ironical) that it was the invention of paper that gave birth to "trash". (man, there isnt a newspaper today that is not trash; however, in hind sight, it is all the trash that has been my fodder for collage...cant imagine doing that with stones...just would be the death of my scissors!) { what? no more "paper stones or scissors?}

i dream that when all is gone, when the last dust particle is blown away after the last manyan code has been cracked, or when the  mormons find their "lost arc" in mexico or guatemala, that all we will  need to get our point across, or to star in our holy hologram of reality is to put our hearts together to just know that we are one! what more needs to be said? jesus knew!

as my friend ,mable ( in the wings) has written:  so many stories! when you go beyond your don't have any mind-created stories to tell...just awareness to share!

love you got

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