"no where else" is not far from there, neither is "the promised land" or "the garden of eden"...yes, i have found ( not "discovered" - that is such a white man's thing!) heaven on earth! [now that belongs to nobody - its not just a christian thing! (and for the right wing politician who wants to know why everybody keeps "attacking" the christians, man, maybe its karma for the crusades, or simply pay back now for the way right wing christians believe they have the rite to it all ?) go know...jesus didnt die for my sins - i was created in Original Bliss!]
its just a matter of time now...like waiting for that bus! or that shift...and then who knows what? could be that whats down under will come out on top? sure would save a lot of the throwing away of what i have got saved in order to get there with less - if i just knew...and so in the mean time, its like i have the chance to see my whole life flash before me before i "die" ("drop the body", remember?) in a way! jesus, i had no idea heaven loves flashers so much! (oh you had better believe it...i even saw on TV once an X-bumper and grinder burlesque queen who now bills herself as "a stripper for god"!)
stripping away the layers of "darkness" (well, actually, more like twilight), last night i heard my love say that he was experiencing us "...living in (that house) in joy in Paradise right now ", and by god, my prayer was answered! i have long lived in that reality, however its taken him a while to get here...like how long does it take to get out of living in fear...of never imagining the divine possibility of being able to manifest one's dream? hold on while i turn up the "let me entertain you" music, and i will show you a good time in no time!
in the mean time, now hear this, "the way the maya went, so too all illusions do!"
i love the word "prayer"...simply because the one who is doing the act...and the thing itself is one and the same (in english any way) : the prayer is the prayer...just like mable ( my "TA" in the wings) says,
" by asking and asking i realized it is the ASKING itself!"
{ and as i am want to pull the word [apart]...AS KING, by george, she's got it!}
she goes on from "over there" ( in the dimension to my rite) to address my question at the heart of this matter... "is prayer really necessary?" :
hmmmmmmm...what is prayer to you? is it beseeching, requesting, knowing that you are it what you are requesting, receiving, communicating with God/Goddess within?
in my awareness we don't really need to imagine wholeness ; we can open and receive, BE, perceive and Know that we are whole...."imagining" still might create [ within] us [ the thought of being ] separate from what we "imagine"....
everything is perfect and everything is constantly expanding and there is evolution of all creation in process!
for me prayer is the way i live...in other words my whole life is a prayer, calling to Spirit, co-creating with Spirit, partnering with Goddess/God! Each time when I ask : WEIP? or HDIGABTT? [*] i tap into the infinite field of the Void (in modern terms the quantum field) and pull from there, ever evolving. each time i ask what energy, space and consciousness can i be for xyz..... i call on the Void, the infinite nameless Goddess, the sacred of all sacreds to me!
a few years back Goddess brought me right into the Void and asked me to "live from and in the Void"....which left me with the question: "HOW do i live from and in the Void in my daily life?" { Goddess, quantum field, feeling - female aspect of the Godhood as "opposed " to focus , male aspect of the Godhood } HOW? and...by asking and asking i realized it is the ASKING itself! not knowing....so each question i ask and my willingness not to know but to Know is a prayer to me! it is deceptively simple this living in the question and not knowing (knowing with small k, with the mind) but immensely powerful beyond the cognitive mind can ever grasp!
so there you have it from on high!
its like this tome (no separation!): the more i get into my creative nature, i am trusting the rest of the shift will just take care of itself... never mind if i havent got a fan, as king for one now (or even being "queen for a day" ) when the fan hits the shift, i know god will be coving my ass!
its like this tome (no separation!): the more i get into my creative nature, i am trusting the rest of the shift will just take care of itself... never mind if i havent got a fan, as king for one now (or even being "queen for a day" ) when the fan hits the shift, i know god will be coving my ass!
love you got (and mable too)
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