Thursday, March 1, 2012


hey, if this was what adam had, i'll bite!
hey, if this is where dorothy landed, fuck kansas! and hey, if this is to where i am moving to because my country will not give my love a green card, fuck the US!

it took me a long time to come to terms with karma!
like isnt that the real game we are here to figure out? { "whats mine is mine, and whats gods is gods"...and the wise have come to know, "its all god's!"}
my father tried to get me to understand this; in his words of wisdom : " if your gandmother had balls, she'd be your grandfather!"
both my grandfathers had balls;  but thats another story!
ok, as a story teller i cant resist... i will take you in, to see just a bit of what my  raising was like:
as a youngster, i remember being bounced on grandpa walter's knee while he sang to me," a rabbi sat on the railroad tracks...' forgot to say his bruchahs ( blessings)...along came the 5:15 and knocked him in the tuchas (ass)."  this is the same man who worked in haberdashery all his life. when he saw a patsy, which he himself was, and to whom was given that for a nic-name, he would have that unsuspecting and trusting man lie down on the floor to have his body be traced in order to figure out his suit size! grandpa also wrapped up rabbit turds in fancy candy paper once and gave them to the one who was his competition for grandma's hand! my other grandpa, sam, was out on the pro-test lines, getting his head busted for being a socialist and helping to create the bakers union!

it took me a long time to come to terms with "as above so below" aint necessarily so!
in getting rid of stuff, there is a lot of mental and emotional stuff that needs to be released as well if  "enlightenment or bust!" is one's calling.
the more i am at one with "thy will be done" the more i am "out of here!"
however, like grandpa sam, i am a freedom fighter. just today i wrote to immigration equality:
personally i am livid that this president -"a person of color" - could treat another group living as "second class citizens" in his land with such disrespect [ refusing to issue green cards to the alien spouse in a bi-national marriage/relationship ]...never mind knowing he has a race to win !
i, like many, have fought for his people's right to become free only to see this is what i/we get in return. i have gotten sick over this matter, over facing to chose to stay with my aging mother, or leave my homeland to live with my love of 23 years, Down Under.
its not about picking cotton any more for the carpet baggers...its about being one family in the land of the free.
so in scouting out new lands like a johny apple seed, i came upon the apple isle with my love.
it was on that first trip there, that i was taken out of myself, in the myrtle forest at the weldborough pass.
i had walked somehow into a gathering of the elders, and although i couldnt see them, i heard them and their music. although the walk was just to take 15 min, i was in there for god knows how long, and when i came out, i reported to my love that "something happened to me in there!" and then i knew i could release my fight into the hands of the spirits of the land. my broom stick is all fueled up, and lubed for take off, as soon as the go ahead is given by god!
love you got (aka myrtle)

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